Rocky Bambolino
Rocky Bambolino

ONCE upon a time the panda was busy choosing the best bamboo out of the most enchantingly beautiful forests you’ve ever seen.
The emphasis on the word “once” sets the stage for a powerful message.
Have you ever seen a panda wearing sunglasses, a faux leather jacked with an emblem of a skull in it, looking like a cool rockstar? No? No, of course you haven’t; that would be at least weird and over-imaginative to be precise.
Well: it’s not weird or over-imaginative at all. And be prepared: this is what a part of the world’s population will look like if we keep being reckless and careless. The world will be flooded with motor-jacked and sun-glassed pandas looking for jobs because there will be no other way to feed them anymore.
The emblem of the skull shows the darker side of the cute pandas we all know and love. It represents the dark side because pandas have been through a lot and have been treated badly. Humans have not always been kind to the panda. Their forests are being destroyed by humans in the past and present.
There once existed lush and vibrant forests, full of life and ecological balance. Unfortunately, they have faced the relentless destruction caused by humanity, both in the past and present.
Careless deforestation, driven by greed and short-sightedness, has ravaged these precious ecosystems. This has a large impact on Mr. Rocky Bambolino, his family, panda friends, and fellow animal neighbors.
Mr. Bambolino’s family and friends are depending on their bamboo food and can’t live without it. Their bamboo is being destroyed and their bamboo forest is being fragmented by human activities, and that is very sad.
The consequences of tearing up their forests are extremely serious because countless species lose their habitats, and the magical harmony of nature is disrupted. From deforestation and pollution to overexploitation and habitat destruction, people’s actions have left an indelible mark on the natural world.
If we keep on destroying their forests habitation; all panda’s and probably other animals will flee to the cities and integrate in our busy techscape society.
If people keep prioritizing material wealth and money above all else by enforcing large-scale agriculture, cattle ranching, tree logging, infrastructure developments, land claiming, colonization, mining: the pandas and many other species are going extinct at the hands of humans.
So that is just what Mr. Bambolino did: he is the first panda who fled to the city. He wanted to start a family but realized he wouldn’t be able to feed his black and white cubs.
As soon as he arrived amongst the people, he changed his name to Mr. Rocky Bambolino to search for a job and seek help for his bamboo heavenly forest.
Rocky is the product of what people have done to nature and a stark reminder of our collective impact on the delicate balance of our environment.
This panda is making a statement with his sunglasses and faux leather jacket, reminiscent of a cool rockstar. This human side of the panda symbolizes the humans interfering with the panda and nature, representing the consequences of humans prioritizing material wealth and money above all else, reminding us of the consequences of our actions.
However, Rocky says there is hope and acts as the ultimate missionary raising awareness about the urgent need for change. People need to awaken and think about resourceful and ethical practices and conservation efforts. There needs to happen a shift towards more responsible and regenerative ways of living.
People need to realize again that we are interconnected with nature and that our well-being is detailedly tied to the health of our environment. By recognizing and embracing our interconnectedness, we can cultivate a more sustainable and harmonious relationship with nature.
Mr. Rocky Bambolino believes people have power to restore and protect nature, to heal the damage they have caused. By preserving natural habitats and valuing the complex web of life, they can foster a harmonious coexistence with the environment. It is through our collective actions and choices that we can forge a path towards a future where nature thrives and sustains us all.
Mr. Bambolino is leaving us with one question: if we admire panda’s as much as we do with real rockstars or celebrities, would people be more thoughtful towards him and nature?
He wants to remind us to take care of the earth, be kinder to all animals and more aligned with nature.